Paul Norrish has spent the last 15+ years and thousands of hours learning the principles that underlie deep, fast and effective change.

He has helped hundreds of clients to resolve lifelong limitations and to find peace of mind.

Paul offers a completely unique and gentle approach to change work (that cannot be found anywhere else) with an ever-expanding set of knowledge, tools and skills.

Here are some of the words past clients have used to describe Paul:

Calm, centred, compassionate, trusting, attentive, caring, professional, easy to work with, patient, considerate, insightful, safe and supportive.

Paul currently resides in Toronto, ON Canada.


Paul has personally studied over 50+ different techniques, approaches and methodologies (a list that continues to grow).

Here is a list of just some of his training:

  • The Landmark Forum – Landmark Worldwide
  • The Advanced Course – Landmark Worldwide
  • The Sedona Method – Hale Dwoskin
  • The Lefkoe Method – Morty Lefkoe
  • Conversational Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski
  • Mind-Bending Language – Igor Ledochowski
  • Advanced Mind-Bending Language Hypnotherapy – Igor Ledochowski
  • Conversational Hypnosis Mastery – Igor Ledochowski
  • Hypnotic Ericksonian Storytelling & Metaphors – Igor Ledochowski
  • Rapid Changework – Jeffrey Stephens
  • Yager-Code – Dr. Edwin Yager, Preetz-Hypnose
  • The Architecture of Hypnosis – Mike Mandel
  • Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques – Mike Mandel
  • Mindscaping – Mike Mandel
  • Head Hacking (Street Hypnosis) – Anthony Jacquin
  • Stage, Street, Therapy – Justin Tranz
  • The Rob Kelly Method For Smoking Cessation – Rob Kelly
  • Ultimate Deep Trance Work – Michał Cieślakowski
  • HeartMath Workshop – The Resilience Advantage™ –Mohammed Sheikh
  • Integral Eye Movement Therapy – Andrew T Austin
  • Integrative NLP Practitioner Course – Certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming – Empowerment Partnership
  • Hypnotic Workers – Jason Linett
  • BWRT – BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® Level 1 – Terence Watts
  • Rapid Transformational Therapy – Marisa Peer
  • Autogenic Hypnosis – ICBCH
  • The Arrow Technique – The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy
  • Practical Practitioner: Introduction to Overdurfian Hypnotic Coaching & Rhizomatic Perception – John Overdurf
  • Mind Liberating Language – John Overdurf
  • Telecoaching U – John Overdurf
  • OldPain2Go® – Steven Blake
  • Integrative Addictions Solutions – Melissa Tiers
  • Time Line Therapy – Avalon Empowerment
  • Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen
  • Kinetic Shift – Karl Smith & The UK Hypnosis Academy
  • Modern Hypnotherapy – Jacquin Hypnosis Academy
  • The Profound Somnambulism Protocol – Stephanie Conkle
  • EmRes Modules 1, 2 & 3 – Cedric Bertelli
  • The Simpson Protocol – Ines Simpson
  • Trauma Collapse Therapy – Martin Castor Peterson
  • Instant Emotional Relief Method – Martin Castor Peterson
  • Core Dynamics – Tom Stone
  • Performance Enhancement Protocol – Martin Castor Peterson
  • MindBlowing MindBending Language – Martin Castor Peterson
  • BLAST® Technique Practitioner – Nick Davies
  • Advanced BLAST® Practitioner – Nick Davies
  • SRTT – The Subconscious Rapid Transformation Technique – Patrick Wanis
  • The Control System – Tim Box
  • Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen
  • Masters of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen
  • Trainer of Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – Scott Jansen
  • Core Transformation – Tamara Andreas
  • Inner Child Work – Barry Neale
  • Modern Age Regression – Barry Neale
  • Anchoring for Fast Emotional Change – Barry Neale
  • Anxiety and Panic Attack – Barry Neale
  • Healing From Depression – Barry Neale
  • Parts Therapy – Barry Neale
  • Stop Smoking – Barry Neale
  • Fears and Phobias – Barry Neale
  • Non-Attachment Therapy – Steven Brookes
  • PEAT System Processor Training – Dusan Ridac
  • Integra Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic
  • Satori Protocol – Vladimir Stojakovic
  • Quick Goals – Filip Mihajlovic
  • Aspectics – Dusan Ridac
  • Expanding Tiger, Crystal Dragon – Ivana Mihajlovic
  • Rapid Resolution Therapy – Foundations – Dr. Jon Connelly
  • Integral Excalibur – Dusan Radic
  • Working with Ent – Dusan Radic


  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – LA November 1st – November 5th 2021
  • Graduate Trainer, RTTⓇ Professional (Live In-Person) – Miami September 27th – October 2nd 2021
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 27th – March 2nd 2020
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – London February 24th – 28th 2020
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 23 – 27 2019
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA October 21 – 25 2019
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – LA May 2019
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Vancouver April 2019
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Professional Training – Miami April 2019
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA April 2018
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – NYC April 2018
  • Graduate Trainer, Rapid Transformational Therapy Live Training – LA November 2017
  • Student Support Manager, Rapid Transformational Therapy School
  • Content Course Advisor, Rapid Transformational Therapy School
  • Graduate Trainer, RTT Virtual Classrooms Day 1, 2, 3 2020, 2021
👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!

1. To book your Free Discovery Call, please click the button below and fill out my quick 3 minute survey.

2. On your Free 45 Minute Discovery Call we will be delving deeper into your current situation to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.

3. If you qualify for my program, I am going to outline how I can help you in the same way that I have helped hundreds to move past their inner blocks and find peace of mind.

All information provided on this website is not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any other health care practitioner. All content presented on this website is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims made on this website, including any testimonials represent an ideal outcome. Results are not guaranteed.